BfArM - Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices

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Terms and conditions for downloading

By downloading data, a licence agreement is concluded between you and the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), Kurt-Georg-Kiesinger-Allee 3, 53175 Bonn, Germany. You thereby commit to adhere to our terms of release. These include:

§ 1 Copyright / scope of use

  1. The Iris software (including the user interface and all data banks) issued by BfArM is considered an "other official publication" in the sense of § 5 (2) German Copyright Act (UrhG).
  2. By observing the prohibition of alterations (§ 62 UrhG) and the instruction to cite the references (§ 63 UrhG) the right to use regarding these publications is available to you.
  3. The person acquiring these data (under paragraph 1) is not authorised to pass them along to third parties in their acquired format, either in excerpts or in their entirety. The person acquiring these data is not authorised to produce or sell, in excerpts or in their entirety, added-value products that were derived from the format.

§ 2 Modifications

Reverse engineering is not permitted.

§ 3 Warranty and liability

For damage that is caused by mistakes during creation or processing of the delivered publications, BfArM shall only be held liable to the extent that it is charged with intent or gross negligence. Only compensation for immediate damage shall be owed.

§ 4 Rights of third parties

The Iris software uses the ICD-10-WHO codes and titles. It is not allowed to duplicate and distribute the ICD-10-WHO contents. All rights of the ICD-10-WHO are at the WHO. The use of ICD-10-WHO requires an agreement with the WHO. Please contact the WHO for the conclusion of a license agreement.

The Iris software uses ICD-11 codes and titles of World Health Organisation (WHO). All rights of the ICD-11 are copyright reserved by WHO. Please check Terms of Use and License Agreement for ICD-11 of WHO at
International Classification of Diseases Eleventh Revision (ICD-11). Geneva: World Health Organization; 2022. License: CC BY-ND 3.0 IGO.