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16 results

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Joint Advice through the BfArM and the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) Date: 02. February 2024 Topics: About BfArM Arzneimittelsicherheit Licensing Type: Article

As part of the exemption of reserve antibiotics from the benefit assessment according to section 35a SGB V, the list of criteria and pathogens for classification as a reserve antibiotic was updated.

Expert Advisory Committee for Prescription-Only Issues Date: 30. June 2023 Topics: Arzneimittelsicherheit Pharmakovigilanz Type: Article

Meetings of the Expert Advisory Committee for Prescription-Only Issues (in accordance with section 53 German Medicines Act) take place twice yearly (January/June).

Instructions for submission of an application for changing the legal status Date: 30. June 2023 Topics: Arzneimittelsicherheit Pharmakovigilanz Type: Article

Instructions for submission of an application for changing the legal status

Basis for the ongoing monitoring and improvement of drug safety Date: 01. July 2021 Topics: Arzneimittelsicherheit Pharmakovigilanz Type: Article

Taking medicine can be associated with certain risks. All medicinal products are carefully monitored after having been placed on the EU market.

Reporting risks Date: 01. July 2021 Topics: Arzneimittelsicherheit Type: Article

Adverse drug reactions

In order to be able to identify risks associated with medicinal products as quickly as possible, the BfArM is dependent on reliable data and warning signs from practical experience.

DHPCs (Rote-Hand-Briefe) and Information Letters Date: 19. March 2020 Topics: Arzneimittelsicherheit Pharmakovigilanz Type: Article

Here you will find Direct Healthcare Professional Communications - DHPCs (so-called "Rote-Hand-Briefe") and Information Letters sent out by pharmaceutical companies informing healthcare professionals about newly identified major drug-associated risks …

Other risk information Date: 19. March 2020 Topics: Arzneimittelsicherheit Type: Article

Other risk information

Risk Assessment Procedures Date: 19. March 2020 Topics: Arzneimittelsicherheit Type: Article

Here you will find information on the risk assessment procedures including national graduated plan procedures (“Stufenplanverfahren”).

Expert Advisory Committee for Pharmacy-Only Issues Date: 06. March 2020 Topics: Arzneimittelsicherheit Pharmakovigilanz Type: Article

Meetings of the Expert Advisory Committee for Pharmacy-Only Issues (in accordance with section 53 German Medicines Act) take place as and when required.

Routine sessions pursuant to Section 63 German Medicines Act (AMG) Date: 06. March 2020 Topics: Arzneimittelsicherheit Pharmakovigilanz Type: Article

Routine sessions pursuant to Section 63 AMG take place at the BfArM at least twice a year, where graduated plan stakeholders (Stufenplanbeteiligte) exchange information about current problems of pharmaceutical safety.

PSUR Repository Date: 04. March 2020 Topics: Pharmakovigilanz Arzneimittelsicherheit Type: Article

The PSUR Repository is a central database at the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the submission, archiving and management of all periodic safety update reports (PSURs) and the associated process documents (assessment reports, response documents, …

Medicinal Products Date: 26. November 2019 Topics: Licensing Arzneimittelsicherheit Type: Article

Medicinal products are substances that are used to treat diseases, to relieve complaints, or to prevent such diseases or complaints in the first place. This definition applies regardless of whether the medicinal product is administered to humans or …

New information in the topic Pharmacovigilance Date: 11. October 2019 Topics: Arzneimittelsicherheit Type: Article

New information in the topic Pharmacovigilance

New information in the topic clinical trials Date: 11. October 2019 Topics: Arzneimittelsicherheit Type: Article

New information in the topic clinical trials

Application for changing the legal status Date: 26. September 2013 Topics: Pharmakovigilanz Arzneimittelsicherheit Type: Article

Application for changing the legal status

Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) Date: 19. January 2013 Topics: Arzneimittelsicherheit Pharmakovigilanz Type: Article

The European Medicines Agency's (EMA) Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee is responsible for assessing and monitoring safety issues for human medicines; it is the successor to the Pharmacovigilance Working Party (PhVWP) of the Committee for …